Lesson plans
Salsa dance courses outlines.
Oxhey Community Hall King Edward Rd Watford
BASICS 7.30pm-8.30pm £65
1/ Basic exercises to develop rhythm. Mambo and Rumba movements
2/ Mambo and Rumba variations to include contra Rumba and Back basics
3/ Back basics into reverse turn to the right. Forward turn to the right.
4/ Forward turn into caminando with reverse turn for the man
5/ Forward turn into double hold with cross over step.
6/ Recap 5 weeks and introduce the Enchufla turn.
INTERMEDIATE 8.30pm-9.30pm £65
1/ Forward turn, caminando into reverse turn and enchufla doble
2/ Mambo into Rumba with toca. Double and triple tap steps
3/ Guapea step into side by side followed by forward turn to the left into 3 turns
4/ Back basics into change of hands…enchufla the lady into a Leslie Phillips
5/ Mambo forward turn, hook right arm around ladies elboe into caminando.
6/ Recap 5 weeks plus freestyle adornos into double hold.
We do not offer drop in classes, as we run structured 6 week courses