I wasn’t always a dancer although as a child of about 9 years old, I used to go with some West Indian neighbours to a rehearsal rooms and dance to all sorts of music mainly ska, blue beat,soca. As a teenager, I ventured into Burtons in Harrow for some ballroom dance lessons with my mate Nick Maley. It was a great way to meet nice women, however, my main interest was music and messing about on a guitar. I began playing and forming a group called Notation. We were five people up for a laugh, who enjoyed fun and music. We had Pete Smith (Drums) Colin Bryant (Base) Pete Blackburn (Rhythm Guitar) Nick Maley (singer/song writer) as well as Maxine Nightingale (singer) I have lost touch with some of the band over the years.

Nick Maley, Yoda Guy
Pete Blackburn was living in Brisbane and Dept Head for a large Aussie bank. I stayed with him and his wife for a week whilst travelling around and we had a few hours playing the old stuff….still badly but we liked it..I found the backing of Mozzies distracting. Have you seen the size of them up in Queensland. You need air traffic control for them! Pete Smith and Colin Bryant, where are you? If by chance you make it here to “ole twinkletoes” sight, please contact me….you still owe me a round of drinks, Colin! They are great guys and I have fond memories of practice nights. In fact, I think I probably enjoyed them more.
Maxine has become an international artist and works all over America and the world. We had a lot of fun in those days, it seems like only yesterday that we sang in a beer swilling pub in Wembley

Maxine Nightingale
Ah the joys of it all. I decided to emigrate to Australia and see the world. I travelled most of the coastal areas of Australia from a Melbourne base. It was a great experience and I did play a bit from time to time in various groups. Most of my life seems to have blurred past and I have packed a lot into it. I have travelled a fair amount of the world and am now settled back into the “old country”. I have a small wholesale business that I run 3 days a week . I am helping friends with social media and website development work. It’s a challenging hobby but I enjoy it.
For information on my dance history go to here