Please read carefully before you book a course or Private lesson.
Cancelling Classes or courses
Lessons cancelled or rescheduled by YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’ within 7 days of the lesson are not eligible for a full refund.
• In the circumstance of cancelling or re‐scheduling Salsaduende cannot guarantee the new dates will be successfully arranged.
• Salsaduende do not refund payment if:
YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’ decide you are not happy with either the tuition or the Instructor after all lessons have been completed. This is because YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’ should alert Salsaduende to any issues as detailed in ‘Complaints’ as soon as the problem arises within the course of lessons. No refunds after week 2 of a 6 week course.
YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’’ decide not to continue with your booked classes midway through the booking, or if the sessions are cancelled.
∙ Complaints
In the event that YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’ are unhappy with the service provided by Salsaduende, you must raise the issue with Salsaduende immediately to explain the situation. Depending on individual circumstances, Salsaduende will arrange for a replacement Instructor, in extreme circumstances offer a refund for the lesson and any subsequent lessons. If a replacement Instructor can be arranged Salsaduende reserve the right to reschedule the lessons.
∙ Termination
• Salsaduende can terminate this Agreement by giving 24 hours notice.
• Salsaduende reserve the right to terminate this Agreement immediately should YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’ be in breach of contract.
• YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’ may terminate this Agreement by giving 48 hours notice.
by YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’ is subject to cancellation charges as follows:
14‐7 days before due date: 30% of agreed fee, 7‐3days 50 % of fee, 3days 75% less than 3 days 100% due. The charges are non negotiable as Salsaduende will have booked the time for YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’ and not taken bookings from potential Customers.
∙ Indemnity
YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’ agree that Salsaduende will not be liable to you for any claim or demand, including reasonable solicitor’s fees, due to or arising from YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’ lessons with Salsaduende.
∙ Entire Agreement and Applicable Law
This Agreement sets out all of the Terms and Conditions between Salsaduende and YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’ This contract shall be governed in accordance with the laws of England and English Courts shall have jurisdiction in relation to the Agreement. Salsaduende reserves the right to alter these Terms and Conditions from time to time without giving notice to YOU ‘THE CUSTOMER’’.
Salsaduende 2019